TCDRO-1060 Temperature Compensated Dielectric Resonator Oscillator (TCDRO) utilizes state-of-the art MIC and SMT to provide high stability at microwave frequencies up to 40 GHz. The low profile and rugged construction provide excellent durability against harsh environmental conditions.
TCDRO-1060 oscillator is designed using FET or BJT amplifier with series feed back at source and Dielectric Resonator at the gate. High gain, low-noise FETs/BJTs are biased positively or negatively at the gate to ensure minimum phase-noise. The devise is carefully matched for maximam power, minimum phase-noise and Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR). The oscillator is matched for maximum temperature stability and optimum negative resistance.
TCDRO-1060 oscillator is buffered by cascaded low-noise driver and power amplifiers for minimum load pulling, maximum isolation and power. FET/BJT devices are directly attached to gold plated Kovar carriers to minimize shear effect and maximize heat sinking. Kovar carriers are mounted to the chassis to provide an efficient thermal junction and a stable structure for reduction of microphonics. Temperature compensating circuit is added to ensure the frequency stability over temperature range. Frequency pushing and pulling is negligible.
TCDRO-1060 series is internally voltage regulated to avoid reverse bias, frequency pushing, bias modulation and voltage transients.
Satellite communications
Cable TV links (CATV)
Local Area Networks (LAN)
Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
Test Equipment
Up/Down Converters
Transmitters & Receivers
Digital radios
Missile guidance
Point to Point communication
Military, Space, and Commercial